Women's Artistic Gymnastics (WAG)

Women's Artistic Gymnastics
- For more information on STEPs please contact manager@dunedingymnastics.co.nz
At DGA, we offer two competitive streams in our WAG programme.
Women's Artistic Gymnastics (WAG) consists of four different apparatus; vault, uneven bars, balance beam and floor exercise. At DGA, WAG is offered at a competitive level in two different programmes. Please see the links below for more information on trialling for our competitive programmes.
The STEP programme is the National competitive programme. STEP stands for Striving Towards Excellence in Performance. At DGA, we also offer a pre-competitive class that prepares gymnasts to enter into the STEP programme.
STEP 1-4 compete compulsory routines and exercises.
STEP 5-6 compete compulsory skills with optional routines. There is some flexibility at these levels to compete different variations of skills.
STEP 7-10 compete optional routines and skills. The gymnasts compete routines based on the routine requirements and bonus skills.
The STEP 5+ routines are designed so the bonus or more difficult skills in one STEP are the core requirements or basic skills for the next STEP. This makes the progression moving from one STEP to the next a smoother transition. It also means that if a gymnast is required to repeat a STEP, they will have other options of skills to improve on and change within their routines.
In STEP 1-8, gymnasts compete in two age divisions, Unders and Overs. Overall and apparatus placings are divided using the age categories, however, teams are made up of Unders and Overs combined. Gymnasts must be 6 to compete in the STEP programme.
Gymnasts are required to reach a minimum qualifying score to be able to progress in the STEP programme. This is a minimum guideline to move up, and DGA has other criteria to achieve to successfully move to the next STEP. Gymnasts in STEP 5-10 are eligible to represent Otago at the National Championships and must achieve set criteria to be selected for this.
For more information on the STEP programme, please see the Parent Handbook or contact Ruth, manager@dunedingymnastics.co.nz